
Tuesday 5 January

Coronavirus update

The Government’s decision to impose a new total lockdown from today because of the continued dramatic rise in coronavirus cases is well illustrated in our immediate area. 

  • In the week to yesterday afternoon there were 980 new Covid cases in Wycombe, which includes Tylers Green and Hazlemere.  There were 417 new cases in the area that includes Penn and 584 new cases in the South Bucks (Beaconsfield) area. These are even greater rises than recent weeks. 
  • In the Penn/Holmer Green/Knotty Green area there were 43 new cases in the week ending 30 December compared to 32 the week before. In Hazlemere there were 64 new cases compared to 46, but in Tylers Green there was a slight decrease – 22 new cases compared to 27 the week before.  This correlates to the equivalent of 688 cases per 100,000 population in Hazlemere; 491 per 100K in Penn/Holmer Green/Knotty Green and 390 in Tylers Green. 
  • The number of recorded deaths of people who tested positive within the past 28 days totalled 32 in the Wycombe/Chiltern/South Bucks area between Christmas Day and Sunday night (3 January).
  • The NHS Trust that includes Wexham Park Hospital said there had been a 70 per cent increase in Covid patients over Christmas week. Staff at Stoke Mandeville Hospital were among the first to be vaccinated in Bucks yesterday.
  • Both Penn Surgery and Highfield Surgery, the two main GP surgeries for the village, announced yesterday that Covid-19 vaccinations for their patients will begin this week at Adams Park, the Wycombe Wanderers football stadium.  The pair have joined other local surgeries in a group  called the Arc Primary Care Network. Patients aged over 80 will be the first to be vaccinated. Patients will be contacted by phone or text to fix an appointment. See their websites for further details.
  • Primary schools in our area that were due to start the new term today will remain closed except for children of key workers. Pupils and parents are expected to  be contacted by the schools today with details of online learning. Buckinghamshire Council cabinet meets today and will consider the latest situation in the county.
  • Emergency support in Buckinghamshire is available for people with no immediate food or heating or lighting. Call 01296 382414 in office hours or 0899 999 7677 out of office hours.