WHEN Tylers Green Middle School mum Gabby Shirley takes part in Sunday’s London Marathon she will be able to take inspiration from the school’s pupils.
For on Friday, a couple of days before the marathon, nearly all of the 250 pupils at the school will be taking part in their own mini-marathon to support Gabby and her charity.
They will be walking or jogging three laps of the school playing fields and in doing so will be making a significant contribution to the £2,500 target Gabby has for the charity Make-A-Wish UK.
Head teacher Vanessa Pinkney told parents: “Make-A-Wish grant life changing wishes for critically ill children. One of our very own pupils has received such a wish so the charity is therefore very close to our hearts.
“Whilst most children have been able to return to school and come out of short bouts of isolation, many children that turn to the Make-A-Wish Foundation have been unable to do so due to their complex illness. We are pleased to be supporting Make-A-Wish UK as our charity this year.”
* Zoe Roll, who grew up in the village and whose mum Angela, of The Greenway, died aged 33, of breast cancer in 1995 is also running in the London Marathon in aid of the breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel. Her Just Giving page is https://justgiving.com/fundraising/zoe-roll-london-marathon
Rain won’t stop play for veteran cricketers
Ron, third from left on front row, and the Bucks Over 60s cricket team
MEANWHILE, at the other end of the age spectrum, members of the Bucks, Berks and Middlesex over 60 and over 70 cricket teams will be taking part in a series of sponsored walks in support of Prostate Cancer UK, corralled by Ron Hedley, of Old Kiln Road, Tylers Green.
Four years ago Ron took part in the March for Men in aid of the charity and organised by TV sports presenter Jeff Stelling. A year later he discovered he had prostate cancer himself, which spread to his spine and pelvis.
That’s merely raised his determination to raise money for the charity. Over the next couple of weeks Ron, 72, will be taking part in a series of sponsored walks with his fellow veteran cricketers (he manages the Bucks over-60s team).
The walks will be quite exhausting for him but, following the game’s richest traditions, they will all end in a local pub or cafe.
You can find out more, or indeed donate, on the Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ronald-hedley1
Dangerous waste fly-tipped in Penn
News update
Dangerous driving – Local policeman, PC Lee Turnham, has asked residents in Penn, Tylers Green and Hazlemere to report any incidents of late night dangerous driving in the area if they are concerned. If they think the driving is so dangerous it represents a danger to life they should call 999 or 101.
Farewell Vera – The death has occurred of well known Penn resident Mrs Vera Thomas, who ran the antiques shop in Dog Hill, Hazlemere Road (now a private house) for nearly 50 years and was a Penn parish councillor for many years.
Road repairs – Long awaited work to repair the B474 Penn to Beaconsfield Road near the Crown pub is due to begin in early October. Signs warning motorists the road surface has failed have been in place for six weeks.
Parking bays – A feasibility study into creating parking bays in Ashley Drive, Tylers Green outside the recreation ground is being undertaken by the council.
Bin collections – The parish council has appointed its third contractor in four months to empty dog waste bins in Tylers Green. There have been problems resulting in overflowing bins in the summer and dog owners have been asked to take their dog’s poo home with them.
Political survivor – Earl Howe, of Penn House, kept his job in last week’s Government reshuffle and remains the deputy leader of the House of Lords. He is now by far the longest serving Conservative front-bencher, having served continuously for 20 years.
Neighbourhood plan – Penn Parish Council is asking people living in Penn parish to contribute to a neighbourhood plan survey, with the aim of giving residents a say in how the area develops in future. Details on the parish council website www.pennparish.org.uk
Panic stations – Local petrol stations attracted long queues all weekend as motorists panic bought petrol following reports of a possible shortage of fuel because of a tanker driver shortage.
Community service – Offenders serving community service orders given by the courts have been clearing fallen timber from King’s Wood in Tylers Green.
Tylers Green First School’s new library

Coronavirus update
REPORTED incidents of domestic violence rose 15 per cent in Buckinghamshire during the lockdown the county’s Director of Public Health, Dr Jane O’Grady, says in her annual report to be published this week.
Even more concerning is that referrals to social care workers dealing with children affected by domestic upheaval rose by a third to 2,400 in the year ending this April.
Dr O’Grady said that reports of domestic abuse to the police now amounted to 57 per day in Buckinghamshire, but the actual figure is much higher because it is generally accepted many cases go unreported. Seventy one per cent of victims are women and 56 per cent of cases involved people aged between 18 and 40.
A campaign to increase awareness and even closer working between health, education, police and social workers is expected to tackle the problem.
*There were 59 new cases of coronavirus reported in Penn, Tylers Green and Hazlemere areas last week, a slightly lower proportion of population compared to the national average.
Hospital admissions in Bucks remain low. Latest figures show there were five Covid related deaths in Bucks last week, and six the week before.
Ash trees doomed

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